Want to Make Your Development Even Easier?
Get in touch with us to purchase or lease the below products for your convenience.
Kiwi Logs (K-logs)
Kiwi Logs (or K-logs) are mesh tubes filled with bark chips and a granular anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) flocculant.
They are available in varying sized lengths, up to 3m long.
K-logs can be used either on their own, or interspersed with non-active sediment logs, to capture sediment as it flows through in the form of dirty water.

Silt Curtains/Booms
Silt Curtains are installed in waterways to prevent pollution of the waterway by silt and disturbed sediment caused by construction activities.
Flocculants and Coagulants
The chemical treatment of sediment laden water can greatly increase the settling rate of suspended particles. EnviroCo will undertake bench testing to determine which flocculant and dosing rates will be most appropriate for your soil type and conditions.
EnviroCo supplies Polyaluminium Chloride (PAC) and blends including PolyDADMAC organic coagulant.

Flocculant Dosing Systems
Dosing systems ensure that the right amount of chemical is added at the right time. There are three types of dosing; batch dosing, rain based dosing and flow based dosing.
Dust Suppressants
Nuisance dust is becoming more of an issue on work sites and unsealed roads.
Dust suppressants are typically a solution containing a binding chemical that is sprayed onto unstable surfaces e.g. to minimise wind erosion.
EnviroCo supplies calcium lignosulphanate and polymer based suppressants.